Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wrapping Up The Year

So we survived Christmas, yay!!! We survived the long lines to get those must have deals or toys, the gift wrapping and rewrapping, and the - well let’s admit the family drama that sometimes comes with it. At the end of it all we are just happy that the children are happy and, somehow, we made it through with good spirits.

Now the holidays are not quite over, there is one more day that we all prepare for by making new resolutions, promises, and of course new diets. This is all to prepare for a new year! New Years Eve is just days away, and I hope you have your new year’s resolution in order.

Out with the old in with the new!

Do not allow the drama from 2011 follow you into 2012. Maybe this year you kept saying “I want to go back to school,” “I need to finish my education,” or “I need a better job.” We can tell ourselves this over and over - for an entire year, but nothing will get done unless you do something about it, put in some action.

So this year I challenge all you mothers to be the motivators and role models to your children and get back into school. Education is the key to all success; it will open your mind to new experiences and open the doors to great achievements.

Where there is a will there is a way. Do not let 2011’s obstacles defeat you. Do not let pity excuses get in your way, because that only means you’re being negative and will never get to where you want to be. Do not underestimate your will power and do not let others drag down your dreams. So my advice is to drop the bubble busters and go and find out what you need to make it happen, you can put yourself where you are at and make it better with hard work and passion.

It will not be easy. Trust me, you will have the days you want to quit and use excuses to make yourself feel better about quitting but it will not fill in that void or get you anywhere.

As for the working mom, not happy where you’re at? Do something you enjoy. Start up a side project, be your own motivator! I have met many gals that found creativity in many different things, from creating their own bow lines, to becoming great designers and are opening up their own small side business. Yes it takes up time but at the end, after the hard work you put in, it will pay off.

You are your child’s best role-model this new year

If you just sit there and dwell on the negative and refuse to look into the positive, you are wasting yours and your child’s time. Show them that no obstacle can stand in yours or their way because you will be teaching them how to achieve it and how you will be there with them each step of the way.
Promoting education and positive activities to your kids will allow them to have good self-esteems and push for success. Do not let a bad year get you down. Let this be your year for change for you and your family.

I wish you ladies all the best and remember only you can do this, nobody will do it for you. Go after what you want this year and make it happen.

One thing I think of every end of the year is “What have I accomplished this year?” This question came from my father in 2008, when he was diagnosed with cancer.  He was always hard on me about education but we never had a great father-daughter relationship I would do anything to rebel against him or what he wanted for me. Once when he got sick it was my wake up call to grow up. I did not want my dad to get worst and only remember me as what I was at the time, I wanted him to be proud of me. I felt a desire to make a mark on this planet and I wanted it to be a positive one.  I needed to be role-model for my daughter. For myself, I needed to be a person who never gave up despite the negativity and crap the world gave me. Thankfully my father’s condition is better today. He is a constant reminder of my goal to make myself more than what I was and am. In this manner, I look back at the year, and see and can say I have accomplished many goals and have the ambition to do more.

I hope you found this useful and you go out there and make it your year because it’s not only for you but for the child you love so much!

Love you all and Happy New Year!


  1. ****As for the working mom, not happy where you’re at? Do something you enjoy. Start up a side project, be your own motivator! I have met many gals that found creativity in many different things, from creating their own bow lines, to becoming great designers and are opening up their own small side business. Yes it takes up time but at the end, after the hard work you put in, it will pay off.******

    Was happy to see you thought about me and my creative bow making skills when u posted this blog lol.. .yes small creative things can become a big success for some and I'm really hoping *LiL Lauren's Bow-tique* can get more fans so my business can improve and so lil girls can be wearing cute bows lol :) thanks Jovanna

  2. Aww yes mam actually all my friends who are mothers are my inspiration to writing this... I truly believe you have a great talent on making bows! :D
