Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Keeping up with Christmas Spirit 
Hello ladies and happy holidays!
This is my first blog and I am so excited!!! = D

Tis the season to be jolly is what we hear so much during the holiday season, however life is not always so jolly, especially as a mommy during the holiday season. We have to keep that smile going for our children no matter how stressful it gets.
With this current slow economy, you might find yourself on a tighter than usual budget supporting yourself and your kiddo this season. It’s times like these during the holidays that makes us a bit unhappy that we can’t provide what we want for them, leaving us to feel stress and uncertain about all that jolliness this season.
Do not worry and do not let this bring you down this season, I always find myself saying when things are tough it only means happiness is near the corner.

Keep the smile and if you must cry do it, of course do not cry in front you kids, if you can when possible take a bathroom break (which you may find your sanctuary as a mom) and let it out, talk to a girlfriend over the phone (and not the negative Nancy one) but one who listens and puts things in perspective for you. It’s those strong friends that are essential for us to survive as moms.
If you do not have the money to provide the gifts your kids want, make it a memorable Christmas for them, and do not worry, after taking the time to get your education in place, it will come sooner than later.

My Charlie Brown Christmas
One year I had no money to buy the little one a gift but I did not allow that to take away the joy from the holidays she looked forward to every year.  I was fortunate enough to have family members buy her gifts and maybe it was not all what she wanted but it was the thought that counted.  You will notice a child is just excited with the whole idea of unwrapping Christmas gifts.

New Christmas Traditions to Help You Ease the Mind and Smile
Get creative and make a new tradition your child will take with them as they grow. Have you ever seen the Rice Krispy Treats holiday commercials? They show a mother, and grandmother making treats with their children, and the children laughing with joy and smiling. That commercial took me away the first time I saw it and I knew when I didn’t have much to give or just wanted to spend time with my little girl having fun I knew it would be doing something like that together.
Try this website or other similar websites to find creative ideas.
This website and other websites are great places to get easy to make decorations you and your little one will find fun, easy, and all so worth it this season.You may also find doing these activities as a stress reliever from school and work. 

I really hope you all will enjoy your holidays this year and pray when in doubt. As parents we wish to give our kids everything but material things should be the least of our worries. It is the love shared during the season that matters, it’s the faith you carry and teach your children to have, and it’s the little things you do in that time you will find as the most precious moments.  
From my family to yours we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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